Welcome to my site where I love to explore what I believe the bible says. I find myself looking for answers in God's Word for questions I encounter daily in life and am blessed to have others share their questions with me. Keep in mind that these are only my thoughts and my opinions. I share them in hope that you will be challenged and encouraged to seek what God has to say to you about these topics on your own...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


The shape of a hummingbird's beak allows for a "controlled elastic snap" that allows it to snatch up flying insects in a mere fraction of a second -- with greater speed and power than could be achieved by jaw muscles alone!

Hummingbird beaks are built to feed on flowers, but hummingbirds can't live on nectar alone. To get enough protein and nutrients they need to eat small insects too- 300 a day!

But how can a long, slender bill which is so well suited for sipping nectar (just the right length and shape) also be good at catching insects, and often in mid-air?

In 2004 in the journal Nature, it was reported that part of the answer lies in the hummingbird's flexible bill. Using high speed video of three hummingbird species catching fruit flies, researchers found that the hummingbird's bendy lower beak flexes by as much as 25 degrees when it opens, while also widening at the base to create a larger surface for catching insects.

It was discovered that as soon as the hummingbird's beak is maximally bent, it suddenly springs back to its original position and snaps closed.

Their beaks snap shut in less than a hundredth of a second!

And we are supposed to believe this bird evolved this way? Absolutely not! The beak has been clearly designed for the purpose it was given by our Almighty Creator!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Biblical Truth, Sampson's strength


Samson visited Philistine territory, stopping at Gaza, where he fell victim to lust and sinned with a harlot (Judg. 16:1-3). Rising at midnight, and finding the city surrounded by waiting Philistines, he inflicted marked humiliation on Gaza by breaking away defensive gates and carrying them to a nearby hill on his return to Hebron. Not long after, Samson once more submitted to lust, becoming infatuated with a woman of the Philis­tines named Delilah, who lived in the Sorek Valley not far from his place of birth, Zorah. Given promise of massive reward by the Philistine leaders, Delilah sought to entice Samson to reveal the secret of his strength. He gave her false answers three times but finally told her the truth regarding his uncut hair. She cut it off while he slept, and the Philistines were able to put out his eyes and make him labor sightless in their prison in Gaza.

When his hair had grown again, Samson had his last revenge. Taken to entertain assembled Philistines in the temple of Dagon, he called upon God for a return of his strength, and he was enabled to dislodge two central supporting columns of the temple from their bases, destroying the building and killing more of the enemy at the time of his own death than in all his prior years. In one fell swoop, Samson eliminated the entire Philistine leadership. This was a major setback in their conflict with Israel. It was a turning point. From this time on, the Israelites started to gain the upper hand. But did it really happen? Could one man pull down an entire temple? Archaeology has discovered some interesting facts.

Archaeologists have uncovered two Philistine temples. One at Tel Qasile, in northern Tel Aviv, and one in Tel Miqne, ancient Ekron, 21 miles south of Tel Aviv.

Both temples share a unique design; two central pillars supported the roof. The pillars were made of wood and rested on stone support bases. With the pillars being about six feet apart, a strong man could dislodge them from their stone bases and bring the entire structure down. The archaeological findings match the Biblical story perfectly and attest to the plausibility of the account.