Welcome to my site where I love to explore what I believe the bible says. I find myself looking for answers in God's Word for questions I encounter daily in life and am blessed to have others share their questions with me. Keep in mind that these are only my thoughts and my opinions. I share them in hope that you will be challenged and encouraged to seek what God has to say to you about these topics on your own...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What are you wearing?

I often find myself leaving the house not wearing the right stuff.  We should never attempt to navigate the world we live in without wearing the appropriate attire. And for everyone who has been redeemed through the finished work of Christ, we are supposed to wear the same thing.  The uniform of the Christian life if you will…

You didn’t know there was a dress code?

Before Christ ascended to heaven He opened the minds of His followers so they would see and know they were witnessing the fulfillment of scripture.  They were surely worried about the thought of life without this awesome and amazing teacher that had given them so much hope.  The man who they now knew as God Himself had had only recently been restored to them after they thought Him dead, An now he was leaving them.  But as he left them they were given this wonderful and simple promise…

“And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high."
Luke 24:49

The clothing Jesus spoke of then is the same clothing you and I should be wearing today, the active presence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

A lot of sermons are preached on the importance of prayer.  More books that can be counted have been written about the importance of a personal relationship with Christ.  But the Holy Ghost, as the King James refers to Him?   Many seem to consider contemplating too much about the Holy Spirit as a little too spooky for some reason.

Today when we hear about the Holy Spirit it seems to come from the more Charismatic corners of our faith.  We see a Televangelist mumbling some unintelligible “yaba daba do” sounding comments.  Or a group of people shaking and wiggling around after they get slapped on the head from being healed.  I don’t want to discount the gifts of tongues and healing as the Bible clearly defines them as gifts, activated by the power of the Holy Spirit.  But I do want to take a closer look at the words of Jesus in His final recorded promise in the Gospel of Luke.

1. Jesus reiterated to them, “And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you.”  The promise that was coming was the Holy Spirit.

2.  Christ told them to stay in the city (Jerusalem) “...until you are clothed with power from on high."   They couldn’t do the work He had planned for them until they had received the power to do it.  And the work they were to do was to build the church, the Bride of Christ.  Simply put, the Holy Spirit would empower them to do the supernatural in the natural world.

3.  They would be clothed with power from on high."  This power would be received in a way that it should cover them, and protect them in the same way a cloak or garment cover us from the elements.

The same promise that Christ made to His disciples, he made to each of us when we chose to give our lives over to Him.

If we enter our day without the aid of the Holy Spirit to guide us, we cannot expect to have supernatural results.

We wouldn’t leave our houses in the morning without any clothing, streaking is illegal pretty much everywhere in our country and we shouldn’t consider leaving home without covering ourselves in the power from on high Christ promised us.

The Holy Spirit is a real and active person in the life of a believer and without His help the results we will achieve will be nominal at best.  The original Greek word God gave Luke to translate as power in this passage was dunamis.  Dunamis is where we get the contemporary word, dynamite and is defined as, inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth. Jesus gave us all the promise of an explosive and very real power that we can clothe ourselves in the person of the Holy Spirit.

A relationship and unleashing the potential we all have available to us through the Holy Spirit can only be achieved like any other relationship begins, just start a conversation with Him.  Yes we all need an active prayer life and time spent in the Word of God on a daily basis, but the true fulfilling of the abundant life that Jesus spoke of can’t happen without the third person of the Trinity guiding the way.  Jesus was very clear when He outlined the work of the Holy Spirit,

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
John 14:20

Next time you’re alone, even driving in the car, initiate the relationship, just start talking to Him and He will listen. And after He starts to listen He will begin to guide you in the heavenly direction we all have available to us.  And when He becomes your guide He will also teach you everything else you need to know as His direction becomes more and more clear.  Once the Holy Spirit becomes a close friend things will change in your life.

Need a little super in this natural world?  Clothe yourself with power from on high.  The Holy Spirit, don’t leave home without Him!



Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Biblical Truth, the planet Earth

Science tells us a lot of things about the planet we live on, much of it common knowledge to any elementary school student but that hasn’t always been the case.  There have been many errors noted in previous generations beliefs about the world we live in world that have been disputed or flat out proven wrong with the information we have today.  We haven’t always had science as we understand it today but we do have many places through-out history where religion attempts to explain the scientific questions of the day…

Thousands of years ago, Hindu scriptures explained that the world as we know it was resting on the back of a huge elephant and that the elephant was in turn sitting on the back of a giant turtle that swam around in the sea of some other world.  The weather, earthquakes, floods and other phenomenon were to be attributed to the movements of either a colossal elephant or turtle?  Greek mythology claimed our planet was held on the god Atlas’ shoulders.  But the Bible tells a different story altogether about what supports the world:
He (God) stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.
Job 26:7

You and I know today that the earth is suspended in space and nothing or no one holds it up.  And what does Job indicate is holding the world up?  The earth according to Job, “… hangs on nothing”.  The book of Job is one of the oldest written books in the Bible, many date it to 1500 B.C. about the same time the Hindu scripture about the elephant was written.  The Bible tells us that God gave a direct revelation to Job about the suffering he endured and during that revelation Job saw the world as God saw it, suspended in place by nothing without the help of a man or animal.

And for thousands of years man believed the earth to be flat and if you went too far you would drop off into, “nothing”.  Both Hindu and Buddhist scripture hold to the “flat earth” theory.  In 1522 the Portuguese ship Victoria became the first sip to successfully sail around the world.  Leaving Spain in 1519 and headed west, Victoria returned three years later from the east putting to end the myth of a flat world.  But long before the Victoria came to rest in the early 1500’s, the Bible was noted the earth as being round:
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers;
Isaiah 40:22

When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep,
Proverbs 8:27
As we all know today the earth appears as a circle, suspended in space with no one holding it up.  Job, Solomon and Isaiah all received the inspired Word of God about the earth as we all see it today.  Once again scripture is shown to be accurate and truthful while many other means are without a doubt, wrong.



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Biblical Truth, The walls of Jericho

Over the next few months I plan to write a series of post that I’ll title, “Biblical Truth”.  My goal in doing this is to provide irrefutable evidence that we can all absorb on our own, but also use as ammunition for those who say the Bible is just a bunch of made up stories.  I’d like to start with a familiar story from the Bible concerning the walls of Jericho.

In the book of Joshua we have the story that marks the first major success of the Israelite army in the Promised Land.  According to scripture, the Israelites marched around the city in silence once a day for six days.  One can only imagine what had to have been going through the minds of the people of Jericho as they sat on top of their “impregnable” wall, probably laughing and carrying on about the foolish foreigners that had just showed up.  But then on the seventh day these strangers did something different.  Instead of circling the wall once then leaving the area in silence, they started to circle the wall again.  We know from archeological excavations that Jericho was not a small city so to march completely around it wouldn’t be a quick affair.  I’m sure that as the Israelites continued to march around the city, more and more people came out to the top of the wall to see the spectacle first hand.   Then the Bible accounts that when the seventh lap was completed, the priest blew their horns and the men shouted together and the wall of Jericho fell flat.

Today Archeologist have located and confirmed the location of the city of Jericho.  It was first found by a German team in the early 1900’s and surrounding the city, that hadn’t yet been identified as Jericho, they noted that the city was ringed by a pile of mud bricks.  Through further site visits and items being uncovered it was generally accepted that this was indeed the ancient city of Jericho.

But it wasn’t until more modern methods had been discovered that some more biblically significant information was uncovered.  In the 1950’s a British Archeologist named Kathleen Kenyon began a series of site excavations.  As he examined core samples taken from the site and in conjunction with continued excavations, it was determined the piles of mud brick that encircled the city were from a wall that had collapsed, the patterned that was established throughout the perimeter was consistent with the wall falling straight down.  No indication could be found where it was knocked down by force.

Archeological evidence support the account as described in the Bible.

But there’s more.  The Bible tells us that once the walls fell, the Israelites took the city by force and set it on fire.   During her continued excavation of the site, Karen found irrefutable evidence that the city had been devastated by an enormous fire.  In her notes she said the following:

“The destruction was complete. Walls and floors were blackened or reddened by fire, and every room was filled with fallen bricks, timbers, and household utensils; in most rooms the fallen debris was heavily burnt.”

Of course the skeptics will try and play this off by simply saying that an earthquake caused the walls to fall.  And while the evidence at the site is consistent with what you would find in an excavated earthquake site, there’s one little problem that can’t be explained using the earthquake theory.  On the north side of the city a complete section of wall was found touched only by aged but showing no effects from earthquake damage.  And while no one seems to be able to offer a plausible scientific explanation for this, I’ve got an easy answer.  Rahab was the woman who helped the Israelite spies when they were scouting out the city.  In return for helping them hide, they promised to keep her and her family safe when they came back to conquer the city.  And scripture gives us some very specific information about where Rahab’s house was located.

Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was built into the city wall, so that she lived in the wall.
Joshua 2:15

The very easy answer to why that section of wall was standing was that it’s the section of the wall Rahab lived in. 

To date there has never been an accredited archeological discovery that would refute the facts as outlined in scripture. Not one.  But there have been many such discoveries that align themselves with biblical accounts.

I love to write about scripture in an expository manner, but sometimes it’s nice to write about the facts that God has left for us to examine.  With that thought in mind I plan on making a post a week for a few months that highlights different secular discoveries that confirm biblical truths.  I hope you enjoy!

Be encouraged,


Monday, June 13, 2011

Sittin' under the fig tree...

In biblical times the fig tree was a sign of authority.  The term, “sitting under the fig tree”, is a rabbinical term meant that you were under someone’s spiritual guidance, usually a rabbi. To “eat its fruit” would express that you were following the teachings of the person whose authority you were under. 

Have you ever seen a fig tree?  A mature fig tree is a beautiful sight; low to the ground and very full with thick branches that can spread out up to 75 feet from the trunk.  The leaves are big and thick and the big circumference along with the thick and heavy branches creates a wonderfully dark and cool place even in the heat of the Middle Eastern provinces that they grow…

As Jesus starts His earthly ministry we have the familiar story of Nathaniel becoming one of the first Disciples.  He was approached by Philip, who said:

…"We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
John 1:45

But as the Gospel continues, Nathaniel isn’t convinced but Philip persuades him to come with him and to see Jesus for himself.  When they catch up with Jesus, He makes a very complimentary comment towards Philip that catches him off guard and he wants to know how Jesus comes to this conclusion about him? And:

Jesus answered him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."
John 1:48

The years preceding the earthly ministry of Christ were difficult times for the Jewish people.  The Jews were desperate for the coming of the Messiah and Jewish tradition tells us that a rabbi, who hadn’t prayed for the Messiah to come, hadn’t prayed at all.  In the heat of the arid Middle East climate, the shade and comfort provided by a grand and mature fig tree would be an obvious place to do that.   Church history tells us that Nathaniel was likely a student studying to become a rabbi.  If he was under a fig tree, he very well may have been praying, and if he was praying, he was likely praying for the Messiah to come.

So when we keep these ideas in mind its no surprise at all that upon Christ saying He saw him, “under the fig tree” when Jesus couldn’t have physically seen him, it’s easy to see why Philip has no doubt that this is indeed the Son of God, the Messiah he had been praying for!

So how did Christ see Nathaniel under the fig tree?  God was drawing Nathaniel to Jesus.  Christ tells us that no one can find Him unless the Father draws him or her.  The Greek word translated “draw” is helkuo, which literally means to drag.  This drawing is a one-sided affair. God does the drawing to salvation; we being drawn have a submissive role in the process. There is no doubt that we respond to His drawing us, but the drawing itself is all on His part.

And why does God “draw” us to salvation?  Simply put, if He didn’t we would never come.  As people of the world, still following the desires of the flesh, man is not capable or can he have the desire to see and find God. 

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 

Jeremiah 17:9

While there is a general call to all man

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

Only those who present a heart open the call of God’s grace and mercy will find their way to Him.  While all may experience the small, quiet voice of God pulling the strings of their heart into a relationship with Him, sadly, most deny the call and follow the desires of the world.  They choose the world they can see and touch over and eternal existence that can only be known for certain by faith.

As Christians in a relationship with Christ, we were all under the figurative fig tree at one time in our life.  God was drawing us into a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit began to push and pull us in ways that didn’t make a lot of sense at the time.  Then something happened, and that something was usually a someone.  Someone who had the love of Christ in their life sat down and shared it with us in a way that made it all make sense.  Just like Philip brought Nathaniel to Christ from under the fig tree, someone helped us find Him too.

In a spiritual sense the world is full of fig trees.  Many are under the tree looking for many different things but we all should be trying to find the ones that God has started working on.  God was doing all the heavy work but Philip brought Nathaniel to Jesus where they could know each other completely.
God always listens so begin to pray for Him to guide you to a “Nathaniel” who only needs to have you help and point the way.  You’ll be surprised how comfortable the shade of the fig tree will be for you too!

Be encouraged,


Friday, June 10, 2011

How to please God

Ezra was a great man of God and had been given an enormous amount of treasure and goods from King Artaxerxes for use and provision of the new temple to be built in Jerusalem.  The king knew that Jerusalem was a long journey from Babylon and offered Ezra a military escort for his protection on the trip.  But Ezra made a bold statement of faith in God and told the king:

"The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him."
Ezra 8:22b

Essentially he told the king, thanks but no thanks, God has my back.

But as the trip progressed something happened, something that the bible doesn’t reveal but something caused Ezra to fear for his safety, those around him and the goods he carried with him.

As Christians we often find ourselves in a place or time in life that we too make bold statements of faith.  During a time of spiritual renewal or great fellowship with others, we find the strength to lean fully on the finished work of Christ and feel charged to take all from life that God and a relationship with him promises.  But then something happens, something thats different for all of us, but something happens to shake our faith.  The world throws us a curve ball that causes us to rethink everything.

We find ourselves in a place where the very real problems we see in front of us, seem too large to be overcome by faith and a God we can’t see so clearly at the time.  We find ourselves at a cross road of faith much like Ezra was facing.

We have an excellent example of what to do provided for us from Ezra in his response to a similar set of circumstances, when he needed reassurances from God.  The threat of robbers and bandits was real; the need for protection couldn’t be overlooked, but Ezra sought to overcome his and his men’s fears in another way:

So we fasted and implored our God for this, and he listened to our entreaty.
Ezra 8:23

They put their faith into action and ask God for the strength to believe and trust in His provision.  Biblical Commentator, John Trapp said, They put their holy resolution into execution: purpose without practice is like Rachel, beautiful but barren.”  

The book of Hebrews tells us without faith that it isn’t possible to please God.  And our faith can’t be strengthened if we don’t put it to the test when it seems like the last thing that we should do, trust God.  And God listened to the prayers and plea from Ezra and his men and He will listen to you as well.  Take a leap of faith today and place your trust in that area that seems to be impossible on your own.  Faith is strengthened by God providing for you when no one else will.  God is waiting to provide an answer to your prayer right now if you will only place your trust in Him.

Peace my friends,


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Does God really speak to us?

Art forgery has taken place for centuries and is BIG business.  And as the quality of these forgeries increase, so has the demand for qualified professionals who can authenticate true works of Master Artist from clever forgeries by deceptive con men looking to make a quick buck.  A professional Authenticator uses many tools to bring forgeries to light, but by far the most effective is identifying the brushstrokes of a particular Artist.
An artist brush strokes are as definitive as an individual finger print and can’t be completely duplicated.  While Forgers can come close, there are always subtle differences that the trained eye will catch.  Professional Art Historians can only achieve this level of expertise by spending years studying every detail of a particular Artist and a broad spectrum of their work.  Only by spending hours and even years analyzing the true works of an Artist can forgeries be seen for what they are, fakes.
As Christians today we have an enormous tool that wasn’t available to the early church in the finished work of the Bible.  God has spoken to His people plainly, definitively and completely.  Without the finished work of the Bible, God’s people were given the Old Testament Prophets and Christ and the Disciples in the New Testament to reveal God’s plan to His people.  Along with the treasure of God’s Word we also have the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us to the truth that God will reveal to us individually.  And like an authenticator of fine art studies the work of a Master Artist, we must study Gods Word everyday so we too can identify His brushstrokes and character when we ask Him to speak to us.  The Apostle Paul tells us:
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 NASB
As Christians God has promise to speak to us, if we knock He will answer.  But a diligent study of the Word of God is needed to accurately hear the truth God would reveal to us.  We must have and intimate familiarity of the Word of God to hear His voice over those that will also attempt to answer when we enter into prayer. 
What?  Someone other than God will speak to us and attempt to answer our prayer? Without question the answer is yes.  But let me explain before you get a rope to hang me.
In John 8:44 Christ tells us thatSatan is the father of all lies”.  And according to the Apostle Paul we are in a very real war with very real demonic forces.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12

Spiritual warfare is a reality that every believer is going to be effected by.  If you’ve given your life to Christ you cannot sit on the side line as you are an active participant, like it or not.  If you choose not to accept the reality of spiritual warfare you open yourself up for attack and make yourself easy prey for the enemy.  While someone that chooses to not acknowledge spiritual warfare in their life can be saved and can have Heaven as an eternal destination, you can sure have your time in this world thrown into turmoil. 
Once your eternal destination is sealed in Christ, all the dark forces can do is attempt to make you ineffective for the kingdom of God.  Christ told us we will have trouble in this life and I believe as Christians the forces of Satan steer most of the difficulties we face.  The dark forces we encounter will attempt to confuse us and make us worry, even question Gods provision and sovereignty. And while Satan and his forces are not omniscient and able to hear the prayers of our heart, they are deceptive enough and understand the difficulties we are facing and try and confuse our attempt to seek Gods help in prayer.
The Bible is full of examples of godly men on godly quest being challenged by Satan and his forces.  Good men encounter a path that on the surface appears to be right but upon further examination are just distortions of the truth.  And we must prepare ourselves to know the difference.  We must make the study of scripture a top priority in our lives.  We must spend hours and even years looking at the brushstrokes of God’s Word so when we are presented with a forgery from our enemy, we will know the difference.  God’s truth is waiting to be revealed to us all:
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing.
2 Corinthians 4:3
As born again Christians we are not perishing and God has lifted the veil of His desires for our lives.  It’s our duty and responsibility to become experts in the Word of God to successfully navigate the world we presently reside in.  To become intimate in God’s Word and to become an expert at identifying His voice over the voice of the other forces that will attempt to confuse us requires a commitment of time from us and we must find a daily time to spend in the written Word of God to do this.  There is no other way to do this, there are no short cuts.
Are you having trouble discerning the voice of God over other voices that may be speaking?  The voice that God will speak to us in will never challenge the Word as written in the Bible.  If it’s from God it will be complementary to His Word. If it contradicts the teaching in the Bible, chances are it’s the wrong voice to listen to.
I personally feel that God has spoken to me in a clear and distinct voice on very few occasions.  But when He has, there was no question the voice was in line with written Word of God.  But there have been many times in my life where I did hear a voice, a voice that gave me some very good direction, on the surface at least.  But once I tested the direction given against the Word in the Bible I found a simple distortion of the truth, a fake. 
God’s Word is always the safest way to hear Him speak.  There is no substitute for the written Word of God in finding direction in our lives and there is no doubt we should all be ready to receive the Word of God should He choose to speak to us.  But if we are going to listen for God’s audible voice, we need to be confident it’s the real thing.
Start today, make getting into the Bible a daily event and let God reveal Himself to you in an intimate way.  I promise you won’t be disappointed!



Monday, June 6, 2011

The "Living" Bible

I have a secret that not many people know about, until now I guess. I’m what’s known as a Bible Geek. If you've never heard that term before it’s not surprising because it’s not widespread in use. But a Bible Geek is someone who collects Bibles. I won’t tell you how many I have because you would probably consider me ridiculous after hearing the number but suffice to say, it’s a bunch of em.
When people come to my place or even my office and see that I have so many Bibles they are usually a little shocked. I’ve become very good at justifying my habit to others and once I get through my spiel they usually start asking Bible related questions. Almost everyone ask “So which one is your favorite”? I never know how to answer that because if I keep a Bible I really like it. See I have given away a lot more Bibles than I own, usually with the Book of John marked with the ribbon and a note with my phone number to call me with any questions. But in order to explain which Bible is my favorite? I need to share a little story 1st…

His name is Bill. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans, and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college.

He is brilliant. He is kind of profound and very, very bright. He became a Christian while attending college.

Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry to the students but are not sure how to go about it.

One day Bill decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and his wild hair. The service has already started, so Bill starts down the aisle looking for a seat.

The church is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now, people are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything.

Bill gets closer and closer to the pulpit. When he realizes there are no seats, he just squats down right on the carpet.

By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick.

About this time, the minister realizes that from way at the back of the church, a deacon is slowly making his way toward Bill.

Now the deacon is in his eighties, has silver-gray hair, and is wearing a three-piece suit. He is a godly man — very elegant, very dignified, and very courtly. He walks with a cane. As he starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves that you can't blame him for what he's going to do.

How can you expect a man of his age and of his background to understand some college kid on the floor?

It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy.

The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can't even hear anyone breathing. The minister can't even preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to do.

When the deacon finally reaches Bill, the church watches as this elderly man drops his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he lowers himself and sits down next to Bill and worships with him so he won't be alone.

Everyone chokes up with emotion.

When the minister gains control, he says, "What I'm about to preach, you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget."

So what is my favorite Bible? It’s the Living Bible, the Bible that I hope we all represent to those who may never have read one.

I think our greatest shortcoming as Christians can be how we interact with those we consider of the “World”. But the truth is we were all part of that world until “something” happened and that “something” was usually a “someone”.

As you go through your day and week think about that "someone" who made the difference in how you looked towards the faith you now have. Think about the way you perceived them at the time. Would someone that didn’t have Christ in their life perceive you that way?

Be careful how you live and how others see your life if you make it known that you follow Christ. You may be the only Bible some people will ever read.

Grace and peace,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who are you relying on?

Have you ever felt like there was just too much in front of you to handle?  Sometimes in life we face what seem to be odds that are so far against us that there is no way things can turn out the way we need them.  I know that I’ve found myself in a difficult spot or two and for reasons that still leave me guessing, I seem to look to God for the answer only after I’ve exhausted every other option.  I find my primary struggle as a Christian man to be, too much attempt at self reliance.  And the Bible clearly teaches a different message.

In biblical times, the Jewish people were led by many different kings.  A lot more bad ones than good ones for sure but Asa was one of the better ones.  Asa found himself in a really bad spot.  The Ethiopian army began to lay siege to the Judean kingdom and Asa found that he was outnumbered essentially two to one.  One million Ethiopians threatening Judah’s army of 580,000.  The Ethiopians not only outnumbered them, they had better weapons.  And what did Asa do?  Did he panic or fall apart?  No.

And Asa cried to the LORD his God, "O LORD, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this multitude. O LORD, you are our God; let not man prevail against you."
2 Chronicles 14:11

Asa recognized that there was no other way to victory other than through the Lord Himself.  He saw a very real problem in the world but sought a supernatural solution.  Asa decided that he must rely on God and no one else.  Expecting a victory any other way just wasn’t possible.

What are you trying to handle on your own?  Are you facing some overwhelming odds that you don’t think you can handle?  Follow the example of Asa and cry out to the Lord, the results could be supernatural!

