Welcome to my site where I love to explore what I believe the bible says. I find myself looking for answers in God's Word for questions I encounter daily in life and am blessed to have others share their questions with me. Keep in mind that these are only my thoughts and my opinions. I share them in hope that you will be challenged and encouraged to seek what God has to say to you about these topics on your own...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The ABC’s of building faith

Faith is the primary component of the Christian’s life.  Without faith Christianity is nothing but a  series of principles and applications.  Faith takes these ideas and makes them eternal and gives us the fuel to ignite the life of a Christian from one of agitation and fear to one of peace and fulfillment.

Faith in its simplest form is trusting God to do the things that God has promised to do.  But the same faith so vital to the life of a believer, can easily be shaken and quickly abandoned if we don’t perpetuate its growth.  Faith, strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit is a living, breathing part of our existence and like any other living thing it has to be feed and nurtured.  Finding out the steps to feeding our faith is an absolute requirement to the growth of all of us as Christian men and women.
I don’t want to try and portray myself as an absolute pillar of faith that has never had a moment of fear or concern, that wouldn’t be at all true.  My life has easily been plague by more failures than success in trusting God but I try and learn from the failures and identify ways to make sure I don’t suffer failure in the same area over and over again.  Through the series of success that I’ve had brought on by the examination of these failures, I’ve developed a few things that help me get back on track when doubt and fear tend to take the place of peace in my life. The ABC’s of my faith…
Acknowledge the area where you are finding it difficult to have faith in God.
Sometimes increasing and feeding our faith is as simple as acknowledging the area of lack, sometimes not.  But putting worry and fear aside and focusing on the heart of the matter allows us to put a spotlight on what’s causing our lack of faith.  When we have an area that we lack faith in God it will often feed on itself and splinter and mesh into everything else we are trying to get accomplished.  A fear or lack of faith in our finances can quickly throw a shadow over everything else in life.  If our faith is rocked by a concern over a health related matter soon looking at anything in a helpful or encouraging light can become near impossible.
When we identify the specific area we are troubled with we can bring it directly before God and ask for Him to help us deal with it.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!"
Romans 8:15

As parents we always reach out and comfort our children.  When they are scared or don’t understand something we lovingly direct them in the right direction.  Our Father in Heaven will handle things no differently when we come to Him in the same way.

Build on the history of what God has already done.

The reason our own children’s fears and doubts are addressed when we help them is because they know from the past that we are going to do what we say will do.  My wife was working with our daughter a few weeks ago try to teach her to swim.  Katy was standing on the side of the pool and Jennifer told her,jump to me, I’ll catch you”.  Katy didn’t want any part of this at first.  The pool was big and she didn’t know what was under the surface of the water, she had no reference point for making a leap like this.  But Jennifer continued to encourage her and assure her that it was OK and that she could trust Mommy.  Finally she jumped, Jennifer caught her and Katy was thrilled by the new experience and her fear of jumping blindly into the pool to her Mom was removed by being caught successfully.  Now while Katy is in the pool and Jennifer tells her try something new she has no concern or fear because Mommy always takes care of her in the pool.

Did you not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?
2 Chronicles 20:7

Jehoshaphat said those words in prayer as he was desperate to convince not only the people of Judah but himself too that the Ammonite forces that greatly outnumbered them could really be defeated.  And his prayer and desire was built upon a success that God had already given His people.

God has done something and proved Himself in the life of every believer.  When we need to find the trust to have faith that He will address our current need, we need only to look at what he’s already done for us in the past.  Acknowledge something He has already done and ask Him to take care of you just like He’s done before.

Create a lifestyle and environment that supports and encourages a relationship with Christ.

If we remain in close proximity to God and fellowship with other who do the same it’s easy to see His power and provision.  God is doing so much for so many of His children that when we surround ourselves with other believers His hand is so easy to see as it touches our lives.  Seeing prayers and needs answered is contagious and fosters a belief that God can and will do the same for us.

Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."
1 Corinthians 15:33

When I find myself doubting my faith and questioning if God will really do what he’s promised me to do, one or both of these have happen:

1.       I’m listening to the wrong people.
2.       I’ve gotten away from the people who will encourage my faith.

While these steps may not be perfect, they’re a start and we all have to start somewhere.  Without a plan we have nothing.  We have to either sayHere’s what I’m going to do.orWhat am I going to do?  Do you have a strategy to get back on track if you start to wander from the path God has for you?

Be encouraged!


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